• PT Sari Sarana Kimiatama
  • Lowongan Kerja

Ulasan PT Sari Sarana Kimiatama

Profil Perusahaan

PT Sari Sarana Kimiatama (SSKtama) is a distribution company provides high-quality services in the various industries such as Automotive industry, Coating industry, Ink and Printing industry, Adhesive industry, Foam industries,& Metalworking Fluids, etc.

PT Sari Sarana Kimiatama provides raw materials such as Synthetic Rubber, Rubber Chemical, Rubber & Industrial Processing Oil, Solvents, Monomers, Polyurethanes, and Lubricants.

PT Sari Sarana Kimiatama is the authorized distributor for Shell Chemicals & Polyurethanes, Evonik, Rhein-Chemie, Pertamina, and Exxon Mobil Lubricants.

Keep growing, we are striving to be excellence-technology based chemicals distribution and logistics partner in Indonesia with wide range of chemicals.

We are a reputable chemical industry company located in Jakarta, looking for suitable candidates for sustainable growth.