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Profil Perusahaan

  • Alamat PT. INDUSTRI PEMBUNGKUS INTERNASIONAL : Kawasan Industri Medan, Jl. Pulau Nusa Barung KM.10,5, M A B A R, Kec. Medan Deli
  • Lokasi: Medan, Sumatra Utara, Indonesia
Industri Pembungkus Internasional (IPI) are specialist in Corrugated Box & Folding Carton, was established in 1972. It was the first corrugated box company in North Sumatra and the third in Indonesia. With almost 42 years of continuous development, IPI is today well organized as a leading manufacturer of packaging products in Indonesia. We earned the ISO 9002 certification in 1997, and achieved ISO 9001 in 2007. Our system is fine tuned. We relentlessly strive to better serve the Customers, by understanding their needs and bridging them with our wealth of experience.
Along with the same dedication and passion, we now provide the customers with inner packaging and fine printing. We use best in class corrugators from Germany that produces consistent , strong fluting at high speed. The entire line is automated with fast splicing and order change system. Printing and Folding are completed on Martin presses with automatic board feeder. The presses are capable of very accurate registry of prints. We invest in the best presses available to achieve highest quality of print and fold. We have a fully equipped pre-press division. Our team of graphic designers, tooling engineers and plate makers make sure vibrant colors and ideas are delivered to the press.


Jumlah gaji yang ditawarkan oleh PT. INDUSTRI PEMBUNGKUS INTERNASIONAL tertera pada setiap lowongan kerja. Bila gaji PT. INDUSTRI PEMBUNGKUS INTERNASIONAL yang tertera adalah Nego, berarti pelamar dapat melakukan negosiasi gaji PT. INDUSTRI PEMBUNGKUS INTERNASIONAL dengan HRD atau personalia di PT. INDUSTRI PEMBUNGKUS INTERNASIONAL.


    Lowongan Kerja
  • 1
    Lowongan Kerja Customer Service
    Customer Service

    Bertanggung jawab menghubungi customer baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung dalam hal follow up penawaran harga, penanganan order, komplain, informasi penting dari dan untuk customer, serta perkenalan perusahaan (company profile) kepada custome...


    Rp. Nego


  • 2
    Lowongan Kerja Staff IT
    Staff IT

    Bertanggung jawab untuk memahami proses tiap departemen guna kelancaran pengembangan dan penerapan sistem komputer Melakukan perawatan dan pemeliharaan terhadap program-program yang ada Membantu tiap departemen terkait apabila ditentukan trouble/ mas...


    Rp. Nego


  • 1

Lowongan Terbaru

  • 2
    Lowongan Kerja Admin Marketplace
    Admin Marketplace

    Laki-Laki/Perempuan Tinggi Badan Minimal 165 CM Maksimal Usia 25 tahun Pendidikan Minimal SMA/Sederajat Penempatan di Cibubur Berpenampilan menarik Mampu bekerja dengan target Jujur, teliti, ramah dan mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik Mempunyai etika k...


    Rp. Nego


  • 2
    Lowongan Kerja Sales Marketing
    Sales Marketing

    Laki-Laki/Perempuan Tinggi Badan Minimal 165 CM Maksimal Usia 25 tahun Pendidikan Minimal SMA/Sederajat Penempatan di Cibubur Berpenampilan menarik Mampu bekerja dengan target Jujur, teliti, ramah dan mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik Mempunyai etika k...


    Rp. Nego


  • 2
    Lowongan Kerja Quality Assurance
    Quality Assurance

    Write tests cases, manage test suites, create and execute a test plan, updatetest cases on requirement updates Work with development team to ensure that the app builds/versions being produces cover the correct features and bug fixes Monitor the testi...


    Rp. Nego


  • 2
    Lowongan Kerja Finance Admin
    Finance Admin

    Membuat invoice penjualan Membuat laporan penagihan Memeriksa dan menagihkan invoice penjualan jatuh tempo Melakukan administrasi yang berhubungan dengan Accounting Melakukan input data ke system & membantu proses administrasi kantor


    Rp. Nego


  • 2
    Lowongan Kerja Financial Reporting Spv
    Financial Reporting Spv

    Handle related activity of budgeting, variance analysis & periodically closing as well as handling day to day transaction through ERP system. Perform daily monitoring on budgeting interface process from Budgeting Systems into financial Systems an...


    Rp. Nego
