Lowongan Kerja

Big Data Software Engineer

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

Lowongan Kerja Big Data Software Engineer PT. Tricada Intronik
1. Hadoop Administration
- Install necessary hadoop components
- Configure hadoop name node and resource manager
2. Data Acquisition
- Create system that collects data from different machines
3. Data Ingestion
- Import data from local into HDFS
- Import data from HDFS into a new or existing Hive table
4. Data Analysis
- Write and execute a Hive query
- Write mapreduce and spark application and run it on hadoop cluster
5. Data Flow
- Create Apache Nifi template

Lihat Persyaratan Melamar
Loker Big Data Software Engineer | Loker PT. Tricada Intronik | Gaji PT. Tricada Intronik | Loker Bandung

Tingkatkan Karir Anda Bersama w3loker.com

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